To avoid handing a thief your home’s possessions on a silver platter, simply remove the key before you leave and drop it off at a neighbor’s for safekeeping. But chances are, a seasoned criminal will search long and hard to find it. We’re sure you thought of a really clever place to hide your spare key that isn’t underneath a flowerpot, above a doorframe, or below a fake plastic rock. Having an alarm system installed in your home can bring you more than peace of mind it could also help you qualify for an extra discount on homeowners insurance.ĭon’t have an alarm system? Fool burglars by hanging fake security company signs, and if you want to go all out, consider installing fake security cameras. Contact Your Alarm Company (Or Fool Burglars Into Thinking You Have One). And for worst-case scenarios, provide them with your vacation contact and a spare key. Instruct them to call the authorities if they see anything suspicious or dangerous-looking occurring on the premises. Tell a trusted neighbor that you’ll be gone for a while, and ask them to keep an eye on your house. Also, make sure your sharing settings are switched to private or “Friends Only.” 4. If you can’t resist, here’s a compromise: Remove geotags from social media posts with a metadata removal tool, or switch off the geotagging feature on your phone. To keep burglars at bay, refrain from publicly sharing any details of your trip until you return. But even though you’re making all your friends jealous with that barely-filtered picture of a bright blue lagoon, you’re also revealing to potential thieves that you’re far away from home. We know, we know: It’s super tempting to share details or photos of your vacation via social media posts. Smart locks can help you control the entry to your house remotely. And if you have an automatic garage door, consider disconnecting the electronic opener and placing a padlock on the garage-door track instead. It’s a no-brainer to lock all your doors before going on vacation, but don’t neglect to secure other openings, like pet doors or mail slots, to prevent burglars from reaching in with a tool and unlocking the door.

And while you’re at it, ask a neighbor to collect your mail for you, and arrange to stop your newspaper delivery. Position window blinds and curtains like normal-just make sure they aren’t exposing expensive home furnishings or appliances. Have someone park their car in your empty driveway.

Set timers on lights, radios, and televisions so they’ll automatically turn on at varied times during the morning and evening. To avoid becoming another crime statistic, take steps to make sure it looks like someone’s still at home. But while preparing for your long-awaited vacation, did you remember to take the precautions necessary to keep your home safe while you’re away? Here are seven ways to ensure that your abode stays disaster- and burglary-free while you’re gone. Your suitcase is packed, you’ve lined up a rental car, and you’ve arranged for a neighbor to feed your pets and water your plants.