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Secondly, that despite parents frequently-voiced concerns about the nature and extent of their child’s mobile phone use, parents themselves often engage in a number of unsafe internet behaviours and excessive phone use in the home environment. Firstly, parental technology use is closely related to that of their child. Emerging evidence to date indicates that two important factors are at play. Therefore, in this paper we present a narrative review of evidence examining parental practices concerning digital communication technologies and applications, with a particular focus on smartphones, and how they relate to the use of technology by their children. Yet the importance of these influences currently remains relatively unrecognised. The home is a significant ecological context of development and recent research has highlighted the importance of the home environment in promoting and supporting the development of both safe and unsafe online behaviour. Despite their widespread use, relatively little is known about the factors that underpin children’s use. 1 in 3 internet users in the UK are under 18 years of age. Children are the fastest growing population of smart phone users, with use often focusing around internet access e.g. Smart phones are ubiquitous in everyday life and are having a major impact on work, education, social relationships and modes of communication.

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The results showed: (1) family economic status, Internet use and parent-child relationship were significantly inter-correlated (2) family socioeconomic status positively predicted a more supportive parent-child relationship, and children’s Internet use mediated this connection (mediating effect being 14.4% of total variance (3) grade played a moderating role in the second half of the mediation model: For the junior grade children, family socioeconomic status predicted parent-child supportive relationships through the mediating role of Internet use, whereas the mediation effect was not significant for the senior grade children. A total of 450 pupils (mean age 9.69 years, SD = 1.23) in grades 3 through 6 completed the Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire, Children’s Network Questionnaire and Family Affluence Scale. This study explored the impact of family socioeconomic status on the parent-child relationship, the mediating role of children’s Internet use, and the moderating role of grade.

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